Homebuilder Ratings & Reviews

Grand Homes


236 Homeowner Reviews
Mar 2023 - Sep 2024

Builder Profile

Our Mission is to improve the Quality of Life of our Customers, Employees and Trade Partners through the Grand Homes Experience.

With this uncompromising commitment, we are proud to present classic homes that have been engineered for enduring value, quality and style... providing you with countless choices that will fit your lifestyle.

Homebuilder Customer Reviews

No one knows more about a homebuilder's quality and service than the builder's customers.

Since 1984, Eliant has been independently evaluating the performance of homebuilders across the U.S., Canada, and the Middle East:

  • We ask recent homebuyers to evaluate their builder's purchase process.
  • Then, we ask homeowners to evaluate their builder's quality and service (1) after the first 5-months in the home, and (2) again at the end of the first year.

In "Homebuilder Customer Reviews", we present the ratings and comments collected from new-home buyers at these three points in time.

Eliant verifies that only evaluations completed by actual customers are included in this "Homebuilder Customer Reviews" site. No other evaluations - whether collected by the builder or those appearing on other public sites - are included here. All customer comments are included verbatim, no editing is permitted.

Most Recent 20 Comments From East
Purchase Experience Testimonials from Real Homebuyers

Rockwall, TX, on Sep 04, 2024

After we lost [name removed] the communication was horrible. Thankfully we had [name removed] who was very helpful and tried to answer questions as best as he could

Verified Homeowner
Rockwall, Tx, on Sep 04, 2024

From the beginning, I feel we were not given what was promised. At the initial contract signing we were lured in with the understanding we were purchasing our home on our desired lot, and only when we were near the end of the paperwork were we notified that the lot we wanted was sold prior to us coming in. The sales agent could have called and told us prior to our arrival, or even upon our arrival, but waiting until the end was very deceptive. Then, when we declined to continue signing a new lot was offered to us. Then the next day we were told that lot couldn't be sold to us after all. Further deceptive practices continued when a sketch/drawing was submitted to pricing with a clear depiction of what we wanted. Pricing returned a price for it, and we agreed to it. Then in architecture we found out the size was different that what was on the drawing, and no one from the management team (I believe it went up to [name removed]) would do anything to make it right or honor what was clearly sent to be priced. The design center process was awful as well. The design center consultant was not very knowledgeable at all. She kept having to go ask other consultants questions or had to be corrected by other consultants. The design selections were awful and minimal, and the upgrades were way overpriced and not very good at all. As for the build, it took an extremely long time to get started, and we had numerous issues. We signed the contract in March of 2023, but did not break ground until around October of 2023. Then did not close until July 2024. We had to fight to get windows replaced/fixed as were promised/indicated on architectural plans, CAD drawings, and the redline meeting. We had to fight to get the master shower to matched what was agreed to at the design center and depicted on the drawings. Every step of the way, even though our builder and sales rep tried their best to help us, nothing would get done until I reached out to upper level and/or C-suite management. There were a myriad of other issues as well. Individually not significant, but the volume and frequency of issues made it significant in totality. The trades really failed the builders too. Shortcuts were made and/or cheaply done. Floors are creaking already, walls are not straight and level (but you couldn't tell unless you are taking a level to them or installing things that are squared off). This is our 2nd Grand Homes purchase in 8 years and we thought the first experience was bad. This was worse. And the quality of the home seems worse, but seemingly done in a way to hide it from the builders. Our sales rep and builders did everything they could for us, and they were great. When we did have to interact with [name removed] or [name removed] they were great too. But the whole purchasing experience was just awful. Would not do it again if it were for the floorplan that we love, that we can only get with Grand or a custom build.

Verified Homeowner
Wylie, Tx, on Aug 20, 2024

Cabinets - Horrible quality. Framework isn't aligned properly and it is not leveled. Electrical - We received a one way switch where it should have been a two way switch. For larger rooms that is ridiculous. Additionally, we received 15 amp in almost the whole house and we are having issues with flickering lights and breakers turning off when an iron or vacuum are plugged in. Design Studio - We did not receive stuff we explictly asked for. She just forgot to put those things in. Other things we asked for she said it wasn't possible such as high cabinets because the cieling is too low in the kitchen. This is 100% false and the builder confirmed we could have had high cabinets if the Designer allowed us to add them to the PSA. Hire people that know your plans so homeowners are not disserviced. [name removed], our builder - He was very good and took our concerns seriously. It felt like he was building his own home and did do everything he could to build the home well. He was pleasant, responsive, and a joy to work with.

Verified Homeowner
Rowlett, Tx, on Aug 12, 2024

I originally spoke with [name removed] at the [name removed] location and she was excellent. She transferred me to [name removed] at the Rowlett community who then quit and I was assigned [name removed]. He was not that great to work with. It was clear to me that he just wanted to close the deal but not put in any real work. He didn’t do any due diligence (though he communicated that he did) to understand the conversations I’d had with both [name removed] and [name removed] about what I wanted and as such things both big and small were missed or altogether incorrect in my contract. There were also small inconsistencies that let me know that he’s too removed from the actual build to understand the correct sizes for things that he’s upfront responsible for including in the contract (I.e. the size of French doors). [name removed] was my design center person and while she was very nice she steered me in the direction of things that were incorrect or not possible at my actual design. There were things included/paid for that the builder let me know weren’t possible due to code etc. However, because of Grand Home’s policy I can’t go back and get a credit for these things I’m not getting and because of the poor communication between design/sales and builder teams. Once the project got started I had one really terrible project manager who didn’t really read the addendums in my project and a lot of work was done incorrectly or missing, the second builder quick within a week and my final builder through completion was [name removed]. He was AMAZING. He picked up a very rough build that had encountered a lot of errors and worked through the challenges. He’s definitely a diamond in the rough and you need to do what you can to make sure you keep him. I had door openings framed too small, gas and electric in the wrong place, missing electrical rough ins and a large sliding door installed with the wrong orientation to name a few. But [name removed] was able to wade through each issue and get is resolved. My final issues were the stairs being stained the incorrect color (wrong color in contract and then still wrong color at final). There should be stricter review/inspection of your third party vendor work as some decisions made (cause it saved them time as they did it) are complete nonsense when living in the home but they get away with it as the project managers are too busy (maybe there’s opportunity for them to have more apprentices to check the work). There should also be closer connection between design and project manager to understand and communicate the owners desires/intentions. My project manager just had a poorly lit photo of the design choices I had which is what led to the wrong color on the stairs. Had he consulted with the designed it could have been resolved vs me having to fix brand new stairs in a brand new house post close. The last issue was the entire door to door (and 2 floors) wood flooring was incorrect. I was given a credit and am satisfied but I also think that this is something that could have been avoided by a QA check between the designer and builder actually looking at the products vs just checking that the box has the right label and assuming its the right thing. If I was not extremely familiar with project management as well as the general specifics of construction I’d have been super pissed at my experience with Grand Homes. I feel sorry for folks who don’t check in and just wait to the end to encounter various problems. Your general principles make sense but you need a much tighter communication network between salespeople/designers/project managers to ensure the level or customer excellence that you are striving for.

Verified Homeowner
Wylie, Tx, on Jun 20, 2024

I thoroughly enjoyed my entire experience, the process was very straightforward. The builder, [name removed], was very easy to contact and met every need and request we had. He was very skilled and professional, as well as very polite. [name removed], in sales, was absolutely amazing, he answered every questions we had for him, very knowledgeable about what he does and pleasant to work with. Overall, our experience with this company could not be beat. Everyone we worked with did an excellent job.

Verified Homeowner
Rockwall, Tx, on Jun 10, 2024

The quality of the house was not acceptable at that price point. Very poor quality a lot of unnecessary defect leaks and issues with the house. Even till now still waiting for over a mo th for things to be fixed.

Verified Homeowner
Plano, Tx, on May 13, 2024

There were some inspection findings and [name removed] did a great job in getting them fixed

Verified Homeowner
Rockwall, Tx, on Apr 25, 2024

I really liked the communication from the sales team, the builder and design center. I liked the fact that the builder and sales team remedied concerns on plan changes that were not known to us. I did not like that the timeframe was sooner than originally communicated as it escalated my timeframe on selling my other home; Although everything worked out and this is much better than the home being delayed.

Verified Homeowner
Rockwall, Tx, on Apr 22, 2024

Everything went very well and behind expectations

Verified Homeowner
Rockwall, Tx, on Apr 17, 2024

Everything was extremely smooth [name removed] was fantastic throughout the purchase experience, she is super friendly and was a complete joy to work with. When we started working with her she did not pressure us at all. The first showing of the home she remembered our little one's name and let us take our time walking through the home, she had arrived early to make sure the house felt like a home. [name removed] and [name removed] have been very responsive to every question that I have sent to them. They have also been very transparent with us as to when we can expect any requested repairs. During [name removed]'s most recent check in he assisted me with some windows that weren't locking properly, as it turns out it was user error, but he still took the time to make sure each window properly locked and even gave advice as to how to remediate it, in case it happened again.

Verified Homeowner
Wylie, Tx, on Apr 13, 2024

I dislike the initial contract, because you are not allowed to change anything, esp. when you don't have experience building a home. They are not linear at all.

Verified Homeowner
Wylie, TX, on Apr 11, 2024

Overall, it was a wonderful experience

Verified Homeowner
Rockwall, TX, on Apr 05, 2024

I like the design &builders they do good job and frienly

Verified Homeowner
Rockwall, TX, on Mar 20, 2024

The is my 3rd Grand Homes homes in the last 20 years. I just want to provide you with a constructive and honest feedback. What I like about Grand Homes is the architecture. What I don't like the lack of selection in design center, the sloppiness of some of the interior design staff, the builder, and the lack of customer service by Sales staff. I will provide further details in later part of this survey.

Verified Homeowner
Rockwall, TX, on Mar 14, 2024


Verified Homeowner
Rowlett, TX, on Feb 21, 2024

I dislike how one Mr. [name removed] who insult me and my wife for not signing a document he has not sent to us. He told me he is not making any money from my business so he can treat me and my wife any how he want. Such a bad customer services who only serve client when he is making money from their deal. I have never since such before insulting a family and forcing them to sign a document he claimed a sent and did not, in the process using all kind of nasty words on us. I quiet appreciate Mr [name removed] he is such a good guy, who ensure and encourage us despite the discouraging negative words from [name removed] because he claims "I am not making any money from you deal". Mr. [name removed] did his job diligently and honestly to our satisfaction. I will not refer anyone buy home from you guys at that site presently to avoid Mr. [name removed] doing the same to them.

Verified Homeowner
Rowlett, TX, on Jan 28, 2024

Several things told to me by the sales person were incorrect, one which I based my decision on, after it was disclosed that what was told to me was not correct the sales person acted as if it was no big deal. Which it was.

Verified Homeowner
Wylie, TX, on Jan 19, 2024

I've had a series of disappointing experiences with Grand Homes. The product quality is low, as evidenced by issues like the drawers in the master bathroom. During my design center visit, I felt hurried. I also felt pressured into giving a 10-point review because the representative watched me fill out her review. Since moving in, I'm dealing with ongoing heating problems; my downstairs furnace hasn't worked for two weeks, despite having been looked at by three technicians. I also noticed that the air filters weren't replaced before I moved in. In the master bathroom, the tiles are unevenly laid, leading to water spilling out during showers. My investment in an energy-saving package is undermined by a gap in the back door that lets in a draft, reducing energy efficiency. Additionally, the eight ethernet cables installed in the bedrooms are inoperable due to missing RJ-45 heads, necessary for router connections. (Ethernet cables were an upgrade.) My interactions with the Warranty department have been equally frustrating. When emailing them, I've been criticized for the way I structure my emails instead of getting help with urgent matters. Also, when I call the emergency hotline and confirm that my issue is a genuine emergency, I end up being directed to a voicemail with a man's voice, which just tells me to redial the same hotline number I just called. Grand Homes is unorganized and not helpful. My friends who visit me have been posting my issues on their social media platforms (not me). I will not be recommending Grand Homes to anyone.

Verified Homeowner
Rowlett, TX, on Jan 17, 2024

This isn’t my first home I’ve had built so I do understand the complexities. However, there are two many issues to count. From leaking pipes in ceilings to cold air blowing in from wall electical outlets. House can not warm due to the cold air entries. 100% disappointed in Grand Homes. My neighbors are experiencing similar or worse issues. Grand Homes needs to step up to the plate and correct the hundreds of issues in the Lake Side Village community. I look forward to hearing back from someone that cares

Verified Homeowner
Wylie, TX, on Jan 11, 2024

The builder [name removed] was amazing to work with. He very understanding.

Verified Homeowner